Jay Zane in Riga, Latvia
The maitre de blog received this note and photo. Let's keep them coming!
Dear Maitre de blog:
While I have never been to Singapore, I did get to Latvia this past summer. Most of the time I am in Pottsville. Incidentally, Mr. Holahan, a former English teacher at Nativity, relocated back to Pottsville and lives close by.
Does anyone ever look at this blogspot? Anyway, that is not me with the accordian. I am left-handed. I have yet to find a left-handed accordian, even at Renninger's Market. I will try and find something better to post on this site. For now I give you the seal of the city of Pottsville. "Greetings from Latvia" is more attention grabbing than "Greetings from Pottsville."
The maitre de blog received this note and photo. Let's keep them coming!
Dear Maitre de blog:
While I have never been to Singapore, I did get to Latvia this past summer. Most of the time I am in Pottsville. Incidentally, Mr. Holahan, a former English teacher at Nativity, relocated back to Pottsville and lives close by.
Does anyone ever look at this blogspot? Anyway, that is not me with the accordian. I am left-handed. I have yet to find a left-handed accordian, even at Renninger's Market. I will try and find something better to post on this site. For now I give you the seal of the city of Pottsville. "Greetings from Latvia" is more attention grabbing than "Greetings from Pottsville."
Interesting photo of you, the seal of the city of Pottsville as well as the photo of the Latvian accordian player. As Andy Kaufman would say, "Tank you vedy much!"