Friday, August 17, 2007

Blog? What's This Blog All About?

Hi! Welcome to the first blog created to encourage enthusiasm for a 40th class reunion. Hopefully the blog will be working fine and you can enter comments.

Back in the 1960s we did not have the luxury of internet, instant messenger, Iphones, email. No, back then we had to communicate either in person, by telephone or by written mail. So now that it is the 21st century, we will communicate by blog (for starters).

Your should now follow these steps:
1. Bookmark the blog address;
2. Forward the blog link to some former classmate and request that it be passed on.
3. Post a comment or send an email to the official Nativity B.V.M. Class of 1968 email address.

The first order of business is to decide:
1. Should there be a reunion?
2. If so, when and where?

In the past, it appeared that there was a split over picnics vs. formal dinners. Therefore, this is open for discussion.
Does a reunion necessarily have to be in Schuylkill County? No. If you have a location that may work, then let us know.
When should it be? Summer time, early fall, Columbus Day Weekend?

So again, welcome aboard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Thanks to Jay for getting us started again! Since we live in New Jersey, we don't get back to Pottsville very often. On our last trip, we took home a carfull of pizzas from the Pottsville Pizzaria. I've had some yearbooks out recently and came across photos of the Variety Shows. Does anyone remember being in those or in the school plays? They were a great time!

Hope to hear from our classmates!

Carol (Felker) Scarborough