Here are the results of the Pennsylvania Primary from Schuylkill County:
Eugene J. McCarthy 3,586
Lyndon B. Johnson 376
Robert F. Kennedy 1,330
George C. Wallace 88
Hubert H. Humphrey 892
Richard M. Nixon 4,137
Nelson Rockefeller 1,191
Raymond Shafer 254
Ronald Reagan 62
Charles Percy 9
George C. Wallace 141
William Scranton 4
The year was
1968 of course.
By the way, only two of the above are still alive.

Speaking of presidents, here is a photo of Mario Santilli, Student Council President 1967-1968, with Father Dan seated at the desk, and Anna Maria Alvarez on the left (with eyes closed). No they are not collecting
Superbowl II wagers; they are busy counting mission money.
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