Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Big L: September 15, 2018

The Big L: Nativity BVM Class of 1968
It’s the friends we meet along the way that help us appreciate the journey.

The Nativity BVM Class of 1968 held its 50-year reunion (the big “L”) at the Schuylkill Country Club on September 15th.  Those in attendance listed from left to right are: George Connell, Joe Briggman, Larry Lonergan, Joe Ferris, Joe Anthony, Jerry Zebertavage, Ken Koscil, John Salmon, Cheryl Belas Koscil, Janice Yenosky Wambold, Jay Zane, Imelda Pfieffenberger Juba, Jerry Yeasted, Loretta Clark, Jim Morgalis, Kathy Brixius Adams, Jackie Maley Troy, Ed Reese, Al Frantz, Mary Jane Appleby, Bill Schlitzer, Diane Wawrzaszek Barney, Kathy Kaswandik Burch, Dennis Maley, Sue Hummel Scheetz, Joe Murton, John Kilmurray, Anne Marie Lescavage Wachter, Jo Ketner Gallagher, Bill Biltheiser, Mary Margaret Guyeski Moore, Marie Messaros Zebertavage, Bob Hughes, Tom Takach, Jim Place, Ann Callaghan Daldo, Anna Maria Alvarez, Dave Cunningham, Mernie Mulroy Taronis, Mick Brennan, Peggy Evolo Bullock, Marie Seminavage Wetzel, Jean Rees, Joan Rees Katz, Mary Shollenberger Roth, Carol Felker Scarborough*, Alice Smith Stemcosky, Mary Ann Stanus Kane, Kathy Shay Stein, Ann Marie Fronza DiCello, Ginny Holley Cunningham, Marie Zambiasi Fries, Susan Hutsko Klegka, Gerry Glunz Schwartz, Peggy Coyle Allen, Carol Talpash Weirich  Missing from picture, Marsha Pradon Baumener. Honored guest was Mr. George Repella.   
                                                          A splendid time was had by all!                                                  
                                              Hopefully more photographs will be posted in the near future! 
                                                                                    *Sorry Carol!


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

August 29th Update

Ut natus esse bestiis

                      Don't be late!  Get your reservations in now for the Big L...

                    5oth Anniversary Class Reunion!

Please send your check as follows:
Check is to be made payable to Larry Lonergan. 
Please write “Nativity ‘68” in the memo 
Mail it to  130 S. 25th Street, Pottsville, PA 17901 
Checks made payable to Nativity Class of 1968 are creating hassles with the financial institutions as well as Homeland Security and DEA 😠

There have been many monetary donations and your kindness is appreciated!😀

There are optional activities on the weekend: Roma Pizza on Friday evening.  
The time was moved up!!!  It starts 7 PM! Not 8 PM !!

 Remember the days when you could go to the Coney at 2 AM and have Coney Burgers and fries!  

It would be appreciated if you can send an email if you are interested in any of these extra activities, it would be appreciated.  Friday at Roma, Saturday at 10 AM Schuylkill County Historical Museum, Yuengling Tour 11:30, Nativity Tour 2:00 with Mass (that counts for Sunday!) an Sunday Breakfast at Blu Tavern...just so we have an idea of numbers😕
Bring along some memorabilia to share...old photographs, prom flowers, TIA buttons, football cleats, cheerleader pom poms, bus tokens, unreturned library books, etc.  

There will be a salute to VETERANS...bring along any photographs of your military daze!

Lastly...create the buzz and pass the word to others to attend.
It will be the gathering of the tribes!!

Ut natus esse bestiis!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Question from the Mailbag: What is the dress attire

                      NATIVITY BVM CLASS OF 1968 50th Anniversary Reunion

                                                   SEPTEMBER 15, 2018 

                                        QUESTIONS FROM THE MAILBAG

One classmate from eastern Pennsylvania sent an inquiry as to the "dress code" for the reunion.

First of all, let me dispel the rumor going around that all the women must wear their 
school uniform.  However, if one wants to wear the school uniform, then go right ahead and get your ironing board out.  Just make sure that the hem touches the floor if you kneel down! 😏

I realize that many of you may be traveling back to Schuylkill County for the first time in decades and will be impressed by the laid back, grunge attire visible in downtown  Pottsville.  Dirty caps are generally a must for men of all ages and if the temperature goes above 70 degrees, shirt come off the men and the manboobs come out, while the women always squeeze into tank tops and gym shorts two sizes too small and hair is to resemble a bird's nest. 

 If the temperature is below 70 degrees pajamas are quite popular; ditto as to wearing one's underwear three inches above the waistline. Driving around you will see a vast array of flip flops, cargo shorts, baggy velour sweatpants, jazzercize outfits, flannel shirts, etc.  Hobo chic is the correct term used to describe 21st century fashion in this neck of the woods and our citizenry takes pride.     

😁All kidding aside, the Schuylkill Country Club has a Dress Code posted on its website which takes aim at the beloved hobo chic:

No caps, visors or headbands on men in the grille room, dining room, or living room. 
Jeans will not be permitted in the living room or dining room at any time. Bathing suits, gym shorts, 
"cut-offs" and jogging outfits are prohibited in the clubhouse at any time.

So the reunion is not a black-tie, long gown don't feel obligated to dust off your old House of Palko tux or Juliette prom gown that you never returned, but do take a healthy dose of pride in how terrific you can look at a party to celebrate this milestone occasion without going overboard.
                               I think the dress code is easy enough to follow.
                                  Its a party and not a funeral so be festive.  🎉 🎈🎊  
                                           Dress Sharp...Be Sharp....Be There                                    
To be on the safe side you can mimic Frank Betz who attended one reunion changing outfits hourly.👌
Lastly, reunion returns are coming in at a steady pace as well as some extra gift money.
           We already have a winner for the earliest reservation. Who will it be????  


Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Big L: Nativity BVM Class of 1968 Reunion

The Nativity B.V.M. High School Class of 1968 would be honored by your presence at its Fifty-year Reunion

  Date:   Saturday, September 15, 2018    
• Location: Schuylkill Country Club,  877 West Market St., Orwigsburg

  Time:  cocktails 6:00 P.M. dinner 7:00 P.M., followed by live music
   Attire: dressy festive casual
   Cost: $50 per person

Optional Weekend Activities

Friday Sept.14th: 7-10 P.M. Ice-breaker informal get together at Roma, 116 W. Market St., Pottsville
(note the time change as the written invitation states 8 to 10)

Saturday Sept. 15th Schuylkill County Historical Society Museum:  Tour 10 AM

Yuengling Brewery: Tour 11:30 AM 

Pottsville will be holding a downtown coal festival on Saturday!

Nativity High School: Tour 2 p.m., followed by Mass in Chapel 

Sunday September 16th : brunch at Blu Tavern, Route 901 Llewellyn  9:00 – 12 noon

 Golf, tennis, hikes, and other activities can be arranged upon advance notice during your stay either on Friday, Saturday or Sunday

                          RSVP by September  7, 2018 with payment  to

Larry Lonergan. Please write “Nativity ‘68” in the memo 

 130 S. 25th Street, Pottsville, PA 17901

                    Consider adding a donation to defray expenses!

Greetings Classmates of 1968!

It’s Time for Our L Class Reunion! You remember from Latin ClassLthe big 5-0!

This class reunion will be a great way for all of us to get together and catch up and celebrate. It will be a real Classic rewind.  The main event will be Saturday evening starting at 6 pm at the Schuylkill Country Club, Orwigsburg – dinner with music to follow. While there will be music, there will be places to talk and reminisce, including the picturesque patio.  No need to shout!

Registration is now open so please send in your reservations, but no later than September 7th.  Early response provides the Committee with a cash flow to continue to plan this event.  We are hoping for a great turnout and look forward to a wonderful class reunion.  We look forward to seeing you and I suggest you contact a classmate or two and promote a big turnout. 
                                                                       Create the Buzz!

You can periodically check the class website at for updates. See who won the raffle prize of two registrations.

A prize will be awarded to one lucky classmate who adds a nice comment to the blog.

The dinner will be a great buffet featuring beef, chicken, fish, and vegetarian:  

Please! Bring along any and all memorabilia, photographs, etc. from your school days as there will be a table set up for display.  There will be a video presentation to rekindle some memories.  There will be prizes awarded!  Remember one prize is for the first reservation received, so get your checkbook out now! 

 For information on places to stay visit the Schuylkill County Visitors Bureau Web Page


Directions to the Schuylkill Country Club: about one mile west of Orwigsburg on Route 443. 


Remember even if you are unable to attend, please send in your response with updated information for our records. 

                                                                                                                        Hope to see you soon,

 Larry Lonergan & the Committee,

                                                                           The BIG L

                                                           Ut natus esse bestiis

Nativity BVM Class of 1968 50th Class Reunion

Response  Form

      to be mailed to

Nativity BVM Class of 1968

% Larry Lonergan

                              130 South 25th Street

Pottsville, PA 17901

 Your Current Name:    ______________________________________________

High School Name (if different)  :___________________________________

address       street____________________________________________________

                      city___________________________________ state _________ zip__________________

Phone          ________________________________  email         ________________________________

______  Yes! 😊 I will attend the 50th Nativity BVM class reunion:

and I will bring the following guest(s) _______________________________________________________

_____ Sorry I regret that I will be unable to attend.

                        Number of persons attending x $50 per person    $ _______   

                                 Optional contribution to help defray costs. *                      $ _______

                                                            TOTAL                                             $_______
*Even if you cannot attend!

Any interest in golf, tennis, hiking, spelunking, etc. while you are in the area?

Any comments, questions or special requests (speak up or forever hold your peace): 

        P.S. A classmate who enters a normal comment to this blog may be eligible for a nifty prize!  

Monday, June 4, 2018

50th Anniversary Reunion September 15, 2018

The 50th Anniversary Class Reunion of Nativity BVM H.S. plans 
activities for the entire weekend in mid-September 2018

On Friday September 14th there will be an ice-breaker informal gathering at a local 
pub/restaurant (location to be announced later).  
Saturday September 15th there will be a selection of activities including a tour of Yuengling Brewery, The Schuylkill County Historical Museum, a tour of Nativity High School, with the Reunion beginning at 6 PM with cocktail hour followed by dinner at 7 PM.
Sunday there will be a brunch at The Blu Tavern.

Golf can be arranged as well as well as bowling,
hiking and tennis. Pioneer Tunnel in Ashland is a great attraction and highly recommended for those who may never have been there.

For those who experienced Roadside America as a child, the fabled attraction is now up for sale!  No closing date has been announced.  Consider investing your 401(k) in this iconic piece of history!

Other ideas are welcomed.  
