Thursday, November 29, 2007

Greetings from Latvia!

Jay Zane in Riga, Latvia

The maitre de blog received this note and photo. Let's keep them coming!

Dear Maitre de blog:
While I have never been to Singapore, I did get to Latvia this past summer. Most of the time I am in Pottsville. Incidentally, Mr. Holahan, a former English teacher at Nativity, relocated back to Pottsville and lives close by.
Does anyone ever look at this blogspot? Anyway, that is not me with the accordian. I am left-handed. I have yet to find a left-handed accordian, even at Renninger's Market. I will try and find something better to post on this site. For now I give you the seal of the city of Pottsville. "Greetings from Latvia" is more attention grabbing than "Greetings from Pottsville."
J.R. Zane

Interesting photo of you, the seal of the city of Pottsville as well as the photo of the Latvian accordian player. As Andy Kaufman would say, "Tank you vedy much!"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Greetings from Ohio!

----- The photo above to the right is Bill Garrity circa 2003 --------

Maitre de blog received the following message:

This is a great sight.Let me dig through my A&P shopping cart and see if I can find something interesting. Ohio* is almost as far away as Singapore; Isn't it?
Bill Garrity

He then proceeded to overload my computer with his Baltimore Catechism and and old math test that he is still working on. Apparently he is stuck on the question: Write the number seventeen million eight hundred thousand and two in Roman numerals. Sorry I can't help you as I never paid attention in my Latin class. I only remember a few phrases such as "tuis pugis pignore" ** and "cum catapultae proscriptive erunt, tum soli proscripti catapultas habebunt."***
I did find a Roman numeral convertor on the internet: Here is the link: Roman Numeral Convertor.
I can say for certain that if Bill thinks Ohio* is almost as far away as Singapore, he should request a GPS device for Christmas.
Here is his Catechism for those of you with good eyesight (or be like me and click on the picture):

It was great to hear from Bill. I hope he passes on this blogsite address to others.
Remember to send in any email addresses that you have. Many that were given in 2003 are obsolete already.
Thanks Bill for the photo, the copies of your state seal, your catechism and the unfinished math test.
* "Hang On Sloopy" is the official state rock song of Ohio.
** "You bet your bippy."
***When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults."

And now a word from our sponsors

Friday, November 16, 2007

Greetings from Singapore!

Apparently this website is getting more responses from Singapore than Schuylkill County.

Here is a note from George Cahill. He is the heir apparent to Hugh Branum, the original Mr. Greenjeans from the Captain Kangaroo Show of yesteryear.
Now if we can only find the heirs to Crabby Appleton and Tom Terrific. It was great to hear from George after all of these years and he is wished lots of luck.

Hello Nativity Class of '68!

I've attached ... some current information on my where abouts and a couple of pictures from Singapore of my wife Darlene, my son George IV & myself along with Paul Pistore who played Mister Moose on the All-New Captain Kangaroo Show.

Hope all is well in the Heart of the Anthracite Coal Region and I'll try to work on making it to the 40th Reunion but show-biz being a catch-as-catch-can enterprise, I can't make any promises. My contact information is below; George N. Cahill III2220 Amity CourtNew Port Richey, Florida 34655

My best to all, George N. Cahill III Odex Pte. Ltd.Singapore