Monday, June 4, 2018

50th Anniversary Reunion September 15, 2018

The 50th Anniversary Class Reunion of Nativity BVM H.S. plans 
activities for the entire weekend in mid-September 2018

On Friday September 14th there will be an ice-breaker informal gathering at a local 
pub/restaurant (location to be announced later).  
Saturday September 15th there will be a selection of activities including a tour of Yuengling Brewery, The Schuylkill County Historical Museum, a tour of Nativity High School, with the Reunion beginning at 6 PM with cocktail hour followed by dinner at 7 PM.
Sunday there will be a brunch at The Blu Tavern.

Golf can be arranged as well as well as bowling,
hiking and tennis. Pioneer Tunnel in Ashland is a great attraction and highly recommended for those who may never have been there.

For those who experienced Roadside America as a child, the fabled attraction is now up for sale!  No closing date has been announced.  Consider investing your 401(k) in this iconic piece of history!

Other ideas are welcomed.  
