Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Top Ten Skylines Headlines never published

‘Multiple Personality’ Student charged Triple Tuition by School

Gravitational Foul called on UFO Alien Playing Center on BB Team

Football Team’s Losing Streak Blamed on Poltergiest: Exorcism requested

Lawton Family Demands Hill Back

Statistical Proof: Nativity blondes do have more fun

Bigfoot tracks discovered on Aggie Field

Talking Chihuahua to teach Advanced Spanish

Science Fair Winner: “breaking wind is raising global temperature”

Colony of Mole People Discovered beneath Gymnasium

Here's an extra one: Gas prices may rise to 35 cents a gallon by summer

The Weekly World News supermarket tabloid made waiting in the check-out line something to look forward to.

Friday, April 25, 2008


inspirational food quotations
Never eat more than you can lift
- Miss Piggy

“Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside”
-Mark Twain
“I’m at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I’ve just had a mirror put over my kitchen table.” —Rodney Dangerfield
"Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water."
- W. C. Fields

"Donuts. Is there anything they can't do?"
-Homer Simpson
1968: Andy Warhol immortalized the soup can

Monday, April 21, 2008

Pennsylvania Presidential Primary Results!

Here are the results of the Pennsylvania Primary from Schuylkill County:

Eugene J. McCarthy 3,586
Lyndon B. Johnson 376
Robert F. Kennedy 1,330
George C. Wallace 88
Hubert H. Humphrey 892


Richard M. Nixon 4,137
Nelson Rockefeller 1,191
Raymond Shafer 254
Ronald Reagan 62
Charles Percy 9
George C. Wallace 141
William Scranton 4

The year was 1968 of course. By the way, only two of the above are still alive.

Speaking of presidents, here is a photo of Mario Santilli, Student Council President 1967-1968, with Father Dan seated at the desk, and Anna Maria Alvarez on the left (with eyes closed). No they are not collecting Superbowl II wagers; they are busy counting mission money.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

random photos #7 & #8

Jimi Hendrix in detention
It is difficult to sort out the real photographs from the altered ones especially if one has misplaced reading glasses.
This one intriguing photograph (above) supposedly depicts Jimi Hendrix being taken away to detention in the fall of 1967 for not having a sport coat and tie on. However, after a careful analysis, it is my opinion that the photograph is a fake. Likewise the photograph below on the left depicting Jimi Hendrix meeting two young fans in a classroom appears to be another forgery. It is just a fake as much as the photograph below on the right depicting the Sweet Arrow Lake monster.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

random photo #6

Father Xavier probably demonstrating Italian hand gestures to other faculty members.

From left to right: Father Keith, ?, Father Xavier, Father Augustine (I think), and Father Dan Lynch.

Help me out.

Here is a photo of "the Italian" Church in Pottsville - St. Joseph's on Howard Avenue - which will probably close this year.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The world according to Mr. Miller

Mr. Miller is pointing on the globe to what place?
A. Motown.
B. Surf City.

If you wanted to get to any of these places then you could hop on the bus:

1960s VW bus

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

random photo #5

Hokey Smoke! Its Sisters Alacoque and Celestine, possibly in the interrogation room, preparing lecture on threats to world peace.

In the early 1960s most of our information concerning threats to world peace came from the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show rather than the news. Here are three of the most well known evil doers.courtesy of Characters © Jay Ward Productions.

I am sure that you can identify each of them but would have trouble with the gentleman pictured below with the goatee. He never appeared on Rocky and Bullwinkle. He was Walter Ulbricht, east german dictator. See what I mean?

Disclaimer: Photograph may not be original and may have been doctored. The first photo, not the one of Walter Ulbright!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

random photo #4

drum major and majorettes waiting patiently for a parade* to join

Front: George Cahill, Mary Ellen Ryan, Maureen Flannery, Pat Roth, Linda Shuster (captain),. Second Row: Judy Powell, Sally Cantwell, Helen Thronyk, Diane Moser. Back Row: Pat Landers, Dorothy Wahlen, Pat Slifko, Mary Recla, Diane Petrisko.
Here is a peppy one for them: Hippie New Year Parade
*click this link to see Pottsville Bicentennial Parade

Friday, April 4, 2008

random photo #3

Father O'Brien talking to students while balancing a pencil behind his left ear.

time out for a pencil joke:

Young Mary Margaret was not the best student in Catholic School . Usually she slept through the class. One day Sister called on her while she was sleeping.

'Tell me Mary Margaret, who created the universe?'

When Mary Margaret didn't move, Johnny who was her friend sitting behind her, took his pencil and jabbed her in the rear.

'God Almighty!' shouted Mary Margaret.

Sister smiled and said, 'Very good' and continued teaching her class.

A little later the Nun asked Mary Margaret, 'Who is our Lord and Savior?'

But Mary Margaret didn't stir from her slumber.

Once again, Johnny came to her rescue and stuck Mary Margaret with the pencil.

'Jesus Christ!!!' shouted Mary Margaret and the Nun once again said,'Very good,' and Mary Margaret fell back asleep.

The Nun asked her a third question...'What did the elderly Sarah say to her one hundred year old husband Abraham after the birth of their son Isaac?"

Again, Johnny poked her one more time.This time Mary Margaret jumped out of her seat and shouted, 'If you stick me with that thing one more time, I'll break it in half!'
Young Mary Margaret was immediately given detention.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Greetings From Chester County, Pennsylvania


I got the link to the website from Dennis Maley. He recently got in touch with me and also passed my email on to Bill Garrity, who I also heard from. Bill, Dennis and I were best friends through the 4 years at Nativity.... (I am) now back to the Phila area in southern Chester County. As of this writing we plan to attend the reunion (my first)...

Al Frantz

It was great to hear from you Al. Thanks for giving us your updated information, supporting the blog and not remaining a lurker.
Although you live on the opposite side of the county, whenever I hear the name "Chester County, Pennsylvania" I (as so many other baby boomers) always remember the Steve McQueen movie, "The Blob" that was filmed in Phoenixville and Chester County back in the late 1950s.
Looking forward to your presence at Sweet Arrow Lake this October 18th!
Maybe some of the others that never attended will take your advice and head down to the newly restored Lake..... Keep passing on the blogsite to others.
By the way Steve McQueen received only $3,000 for starring in the Blob. He had turned down an offer of a smaller amount with a promise of 10% of the profits, but he needed to pay the rent. The film grossed $4 million. For those still up with their math skills: 10% of $4 million is a lot more than $3,000.
Click on the link above and you can see an abridged version of the entire film.