Here is a photo taken by George Connell, who cleverly was able to be in the picture at the same time. This proves that it is actually possible to be at two places at the same time. This version of the group photo omits Pat Braukas while adding Mickey Brennan and Suzie Somers. A mystery that perplexes even the best forensic photography experts to this day.
Peggy Powers was at the reunion but not in either photo; so don't bother looking for her, you won't find her.
If you have a lot of
time on your hands you can compare the two group photographs to see the subtle differences. But really, if you have that much time on your hands, go out and rake some leaves, look for some missing socks, rotate your tires, take your
dog for a walk...for God's sakes....
do something productive with your life....
George will be sending me some other photographs that will be shared with you on the blogsite.
If you want me to email the photograph to you, then send in a request. But if you click your mouse on the picture, close your eyes and say the magic words, "
the reunion was groovy," the photograph will enlarge for you.
Believe me.
Here is the list of names for the above photograph:
First row (seated on ground), left to right:
Ginny Holley Cunningham, Marie Zambiasi Fries
Second row (kneeling / sitting), left to right:
Jerry Yeasted, George Connell, Ken Koscil, Larry Lonergan,
Carol Felker-Kaufman Scarborough, Rosemary Zitka Armour, Marsha Pradon Baumener, Ann Louise Schlitzer Scheuer, Diane Kubilus Noga, Mary Shollenberger Roth, Joan Rees Katz,
Mary Jane Appleby, Lynn Zula Caudill, Marlain Carroll
Third Row, left to right:
Peggy Moser Hutton, Cliff Hutton, Ed Sadusky,
Cheryl Belas Koscil, Carol Talpash Weirich, Sue Hutsko Klegka,
Marie Messaros Zebertavage, Kathy Gauntlett Palokas, Tom Takach,
Maureen Hughes, Ann Marie Lescavage Wachter,
Imelda Pfeiffenberger Juba, Jo Ketner Gallagher, Peggy Holahan,
Patty Murphy Loeper, Jackie Maley Troy, Kathy Brixius,
Sue Hummel Sheetz, Suzanne Somers
Back Row, left to right:
Mickey Brennan, Joe Murton, Dave Cunningham, Marie Seminavage Wetzel, Bill Schlitzer, Jerry Zebertavage, Don Reidel, James Morgalis, John Salmon, Vickie Centeleghe, Jay Zane, Al Frantz, Marty Eagan, Bill Garrity, Joe Ferris, Paul Steffanic, Jerry Wargo, Mim Leinheiser Tirjan, Dennis Maley